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    You are Here in » » Why Can't Airtel Introduce This Type of Data Plan 28GB for N1628?

    Why Can't Airtel Introduce This Type of Data Plan 28GB for N1628?

    From NCC last reports, it shows that Airtel had more subscribers in January compared to other telcos, I don’t know how and why but I want to guess because of their coverage. On the other hand, subscribers have always preferred cheaper data plan and Comparing Glo N2,000 for 7.5GBand Airtel N2000 for 3.5GB is a no go area at all.

    Using Glo network to me looks like a forbidden fruit because it will take forever to open a single page without image loading.

    Scrolling through Airtel India, I discovered that they just launched a new plan that offers 28GB of data and unlimited calls for Rs 345 (N1,628) per month.  This sound too good to be true … But when it comes to Nigeria, they are stingy with data. Or it seems they don’t trust Nigerians when it comes to data usage because some of you too don’t trust yourself when it comes to data usage.

    Why can’t airtel just bring something enticing like this to her subscribers in this country? We are tired of all those crappy airtel basic internet, and questionable data plans that zaps in minutes.

    I still consider it a pure wickedness introducing a virus data plan 2GB for N200 and only works efficiently on 2G network (222). Those who opted into this plan are still complaining till today because even Airtel management don’t know what code to press to opt you out of this virus data plan.

    We need that kind of data plan (28GB for N1,628) introduced in India right here… Airtel need to wake up and do something.

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