What is FRP?
Factory Reset Protection (FRP) is a security method that was designed to make sure someone can't just wipe and factory reset your phone if you've lost it or it was stolen. Starting with Android Lollipop, FRP is "standard" in vanilla Android, and most companies making our phones have implemented it in their own models.
Factory Reset Protection (FRP) is a security method that was designed to make sure someone can't just wipe and factory reset your phone if you've lost it or it was stolen. Starting with Android Lollipop, FRP is "standard" in vanilla Android, and most companies making our phones have implemented it in their own models.
How to Remove SAMSUNG FRP via ADB Command
Download ADB Enable Files Below
this files is .tar file extension so Flash uisng Odin Tool
learn how to flash Samsung .tar file from here
After downloaded, Now yours Mobile ADB Enabled
You can now RUN the follow Commands through ADB Terminal.
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1Note: if this commands Not work for you Try below commands
adb shell am start -n com.google.android.gsf.login.LoginActivity
adb shell am start -n com.google.android.gsf.login/
Congratulation You have Successfully Removed FRP using ADB Terminal . If all commands not working then comment on this post. I will give you any other solution for removing your FRP.
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