Wow! Enjoy the Marvins record, CEO, Don jazzy free Wi-Fi service today! Don jazzy partnered with Tsaboin, Dele Odufuye to launch flobyt which means a free Wi-Fi service in Lagos on Friday.
Don jazzy revealed that with this Wi-Fi, 10-30 people can be connected at the same time and in a higher traffic locations, 10-80 users can join the service.
This is what Don jazzy had to say about this;
“I am really interested in driving Flobyts reach beyond Lagos. Our Wi-Fi is the fastest in town and those who stream our music and content as entertainers are from the US and the UK. We believe that if we improve our services the numbers can improve.”
So you can now stream videos, musics and download with this flobyt free Wi-Fi service.
Below is what Mr. Odufaye said;
It is easy and simple to activate. You just walk into our partner outlet and join the Flobyt FREE Wifi and if your browser pop-up, you can visit or click on free access button to show you.
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