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    You are Here in » » SMSLive247.com BulkSMS Reseller Website Not Opening? Try This Trick

    SMSLive247.com BulkSMS Reseller Website Not Opening? Try This Trick

    Since last week, I have been receiving mails from some bulkSMS resellers whose sites are linked to SMSlive247 nameservers. Their sites were not accessible for days while SMSLive247.com and some other sites also hosted by SMSLive247 are not affected.

    Being an expert in setting up bulkSMS portals for people willing to make money reselling bulksms, I decided to help a client resolve the issue. I contacted the  SMSLive247 support via email and no response for over 3 days,even up till now. All efforts to reach them on their support hotlines also failed.

    I checked the nameserver settings of the unreachable sites, compared them with the settings of those not affected and noticed no difference. It was a mystery. Yesterday, I decided to disconnect and reconnect the domain name of an affected site to the SMSLive247 reseller store. Guess what? the trick worked.

    I shared the trick with other resellers who were affected and fortunately, all the bulkSMS sites are now back online after implementing my trick.

    So, if your bulkSMS site is also not opening. You can try the trick. Just follow the steps below:

    ==> Log in to www.smslive24.com
    ==> Click on "Resellers"
    ==> Scroll down and click on "customize this store"
    ==> Click the "disconnect" button

    ==> After few seconds, click the "connect" button
    ==> Clear your browser's history, cookies etc, then try accessing your site.

    You should now be able to access your bulkSMS site and continue making money from your bulkSMS sales.

    Hope it works for you.

    Happy selling!

    NB: if you need a bulkSMS site, mail me.


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