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    WhatsApp reveals Size, a new update for only Windows users

    WhatsApp seems to be doing everything now. They just revealed an update called Size, which would help monitor data usage. Recently, they rolled out the WhatsApp Status feature; this is simply a platform for sharing photos and videos as status updates. WhatsApp faced a lot of backlash for removing the traditional status update; therefore they have revealed plans to bring it back via a feature called Tagline


    That’s just the latest in an increasing list of updates to the WhatsApp app; there have been emoji updates, location tracking on group chats, and the message retraction feature. Well, all these features were found in the beta versions; not all these features made it out of beta.

    Right now, they are announcing yet another update to the app. This feature, called Size, will provide you with more details about your chats.  The Size tab will help arrange all the information based on the size of the photos and videos shared in chats, and also according to the number. However, there’s a catch –  for now, it is only available for users with Windows 10 Mobile and Windows Phone 8.1. This is going to be useful when the user runs out of storage space; then he/she can clear out media-heavy chats and thus clear out space.

    Well, this sounds like great news for Windows users. However, it is worth remembering that by June this year, WhatsApp will cease support for all Windows 7 devices. Granted, it won’t affect the users of Windows 8.1 and above; however, we all know how Windows 7 devices were all the rage a few months back. According to the company, the Windows 7 devices “don’t offer the capabilities we need to expand our app’s features in the future”. This is likely bound to happen again, especially with the way WhatsApp is making update after update.

    There has been no word yet on whether Android and iOS users will be getting this feature soon. We can keep fingers crossed, though; it is coming.

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